10 Reasons Why Jimmy Carter Is Our All-Time Favorite President


  1. He was the first president from the Deep South since the Civil War - Jimmy Carter was the first president from the Deep South since the Civil War to be elected to the White House. This was a huge step forward for civil rights, as it showed the nation that even a Southern president could be elected in modern times.
  2. He is a Nobel Peace Prize recipient - Jimmy Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his work in promoting peace, democracy, human rights and economic development worldwide.
  3. He was a champion of human rights - During his presidency, Jimmy Carter was a strong advocate for human rights, supporting the rights of women, minorities, and the disabled. He was also the first president to appoint an African American to the Supreme Court.
  4. He was a strong environmentalist - Jimmy Carter was a strong environmentalist during his presidency, signing the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and establishing the Department of Energy. He also established the first national energy policy.
  5. He was a champion of civil rights - Jimmy Carter was a strong supporter of civil rights, signing the Civil Rights Act of 1977, which prohibited discrimination in employment, education and housing.
  6. He was a strong advocate for education - During his presidency, Jimmy Carter established the Department of Education, which provided federal funding for public schools and universities. He was also a proponent of the Head Start Program, which provides early childhood education to low-income families.
  7. He was a strong supporter of the arts - Jimmy Carter was a strong supporter of the arts, signing the National Endowment for the Arts Act, which provided federal funding for the arts and humanities.
  8. He was a champion of world peace - Jimmy Carter was a strong advocate for world peace, and was instrumental in brokering the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt, which ended the Arab-Israeli War.
  9. He was a strong proponent of economic development - Jimmy Carter was a strong proponent of economic development, signing the Community Reinvestment Act, which aimed to reduce discrimination in lending, and the Energy Tax Act, which provided incentives for energy conservation.
  10. He was a great role model - Jimmy Carter was a great role model for the nation, demonstrating that a president can be humble, honest, and hard-working. He was a true example of what a president should be.

Category: Politics | Topic: Jimmy Carter | @Wikipedia

Jimmy Carter