6 Things You Didn't Know About Former President Jimmy Carter


  1. He was a submariner in the US Navy - After graduating college, Jimmy Carter joined the US Navy and served as a submariner on the USS Pomfret. He was eventually promoted to Lieutenant.
  2. He was the first US President to be born in a hospital - Jimmy Carter was the first US President to be born in a hospital when he was born in Plains, Georgia in 1924.
  3. He was a peanut farmer - After retiring from the Navy, Jimmy Carter returned to Plains and became a peanut farmer. He was so successful that he eventually became one of the largest peanut producers in the country.
  4. He was the first US President to have a solar panel on the White House - During his presidency, Jimmy Carter had a solar panel installed on the White House roof in an effort to promote the use of alternative energy.
  5. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - In 2002, Jimmy Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in promoting peace and human rights around the world.
  6. He was the longest-living US President - As of 2019, Jimmy Carter is the longest-living US President, having lived to the age of 94.

Category: Politics | Topic: Jimmy Carter | @Wikipedia

Jimmy Carter