10 Mind-Blowing Facts About Greenland That Will Change Everything You Thought You Knew!


    1. It's Not as Icy as You Think - Despite its name, only about 80% of Greenland is covered in ice. The coastal regions are surprisingly green during the summer months, offering lush landscapes and vibrant flora.
    2. Home to the World's Largest National Park - Greenland is home to the Northeast Greenland National Park, the largest in the world, covering an area bigger than 163 countries!
    3. It's a Kingdom, Sort Of - Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, meaning it governs itself in most matters but is still technically part of Denmark.
    4. No Roads Between Towns - Unlike most countries, Greenland has no roads or railway systems connecting its towns and settlements. Travel is mainly by air, sea, or snowmobile.
    5. Population Density Shock - Greenland has one of the lowest population densities in the world, with only about 56,000 people spread over 2.16 million square kilometers.
    6. Language of the Land - The official language, Greenlandic (Kalaallisut), is an Eskimo-Aleut language, and it features a vast array of words for ice that reflect the intricacies of the Arctic environment.
    7. Rich in Natural Resources - Beneath Greenland's icy surface lie significant reserves of minerals like zinc, lead, gold, and even rare earth elements, making it a hotspot for future mining potential.
    8. Whale Watching Paradise - Greenland's waters are a haven for whale enthusiasts, with 15 species of whales, including humpbacks and narwhals, frequently spotted along the coast.
    9. More Sheep Than People in Some Areas - The southern part of Greenland is known for its sheep farming, and in certain areas, sheep outnumber people, contributing to the local economy and culture.
    10. Polar Bears Aren't Everywhere - Contrary to popular belief, polar bears are not found all over Greenland. They primarily reside in the northern and eastern parts of the island, where they can hunt seals on the sea ice.

Category: Interesting | Topic: Greenland | @Wikipedia
